Friday, June 15, 2007

Abi's ballet recital

Well, the ballet and gymnastics rectial went well. If you have a myspace account, you can view video at my website under 'video'. My addy is

Anyways, she wasn't to excited about the ballet part. She's been in Seattle since Monday, so she was tired and cranky. She hasn't really been into ballet a whole lot anyways, so this just confirmed my feeling to put her in JUST gymnastics next term (starts next Saturday). Anyways, enjoy some of the pics. I got a new camcorder that can record and take pictures at the same time so these are pictures from it (since our camera was on the verge of dying the entire recital (I know, I know) anyways, enjoy :o)

Sunday, June 03, 2007


My mom and Bob came to visit the middle of May. We had 4 awesome days with them and Abi had a blast!

She was so tired...I still don't know how the blanket ended up like this LOL

Poor Zoey ran under the swing while Abi was swinging and got kicked in the tail area. We think she actually sprained or broke her poor little tail...It took about 4 days for it to finally get to where you could touch it. This is her pouting on the deck in the sun a few hours after it happened.

My brothers son, Sebastian, came to visit for the day. They had a blast on the play structure all day. Sebastian is 9 months older then Abi.

Abi is now into posing for pictures...

Don't you wish you could sleep anywhere without feeling like you are 50 when you wake up??? :o)