Friday, June 15, 2007

Abi's ballet recital

Well, the ballet and gymnastics rectial went well. If you have a myspace account, you can view video at my website under 'video'. My addy is

Anyways, she wasn't to excited about the ballet part. She's been in Seattle since Monday, so she was tired and cranky. She hasn't really been into ballet a whole lot anyways, so this just confirmed my feeling to put her in JUST gymnastics next term (starts next Saturday). Anyways, enjoy some of the pics. I got a new camcorder that can record and take pictures at the same time so these are pictures from it (since our camera was on the verge of dying the entire recital (I know, I know) anyways, enjoy :o)


Hyser Family said...

These are great! :) It is good for me to see that you gave her the chance to do both and she naturally leaned toward one over the other. I was randomly thinking about K the other day and wondering how I can expose her to a lot of different things so that she can find something she really loves. At the same time I don't want to be running around crazy for "everything" she wants to do. :) So neat to see Abi's little personality shaping!

Aunt Becki said...

She's is turning out to be one of the cutest little girls I've been around. It was awesome seeing you guys on the 4th. I will make sure to try harder to make it to your house the next time I'm in town. I will figure out how to make it without directions next time.