Thursday, May 08, 2008

While daddy was in the shower, mommy was changing Gus. Well, he ended up throwing up right after I took his diaper off of him. So, I grabbed a wipe really quick so it wouldn't get all over his hair. Within 5 seconds he started peeing ALL OVER himself and his clothes...Needless to say, he was then thrown into the shower with daddy (and a new photo-op) for his first shower :o)He's so good at holding his head up, we decided to get a bumbo and see how he did. His head is still not as strong as it could be for the bumbo, but I had to get a pic of his 'first time' in it :o)
This is what I found getting out of the shower the other day. I think he's finally starting to grow on Lydia LOL
My Lil' Cowboy!
He was talking to me (and i think screaming at his sister)
The face explains it all!!


McKeown Meadows said...

What a chub! He is growing up so fast...what a precious little boy. hugs & kisses to all of you.

Aunt Becki said...

What a wonderful set of new pics. I can't wait to see you guys, it's been 3 weeks or more since we were coming back from Vegas. I love the face on the last picture and the Daddy-shower picture.